Entertainment, Sports & Art Law
South Florida has evolved into one of the most active entertainment, sports and creative arts centers in the country. Our lawyers have represented production companies, actors, aspiring screenwriters and singers, musicians, models, television and media personalities and professional athletes (active and retired) in business and litigation matters, including negotiation and preparation of contractual agreements, purchase and sale of assets, resolution of business disputes, defense of criminal charges, among other matters. The Firm also represents buyers, sellers, art dealers and brokers in transactions involving the sale, purchase and financing of fine art, including Old Masters, Modern Art and Latin American Art.
Our Firm brings together its lawyers' talents and experience in the areas of corporate & transactional matters, tax & estate planning, real estate & commercial transactions, governmental affairs, criminal defense, civil & commercial litigation, and other areas of law to counsel and provide solutions to our Entertainment, Sports & Art clients. SMGQ prides itself in its commitment to maintaining our clients and their business strictly confidential. Absent authorization, our clients' business and legal affairs are carefully protected and never disclosed to outside inquiries.